My public research includes curatorial, editorial and cultural interpretation.

Public Projects


Mundos Alternos.

Mundos Alternos: Art and Science Fiction in the Americas examines the science fiction impulse in contemporary Latinx and Latin American art over the last thirty years. The exhibition asks critical questions about citizenry, borders, techno-culture and the political utility of speculative inquiry at a time when immigrant futures are in question.



In January of 2018, the UCR Provost awarded a Team Mini-grant for AAxL: Asian American x Latinx Critical and Digital Studies. An open-access digital nexus for the archiving of Latinx/Asian American culture, the portal includes three central areas: literary imagination, arts and recovery, and social movements/civic leadership.

Art Aids America.

Following the opening of Art AIDS America, the thirty-year survey of artist responses to the AIDS crisis in the U.S., AIDS activist Joey Terrill and Hernández organized a tour of the exhibition at the Bronx Museum of the Arts in July 2016. By highlighting Latinx and Latin American dimensions in the show, they complicated the AIDS art-historical narrative and decentered its oft-cited protagonists